Wars and Windmills

08 September 2009

See This

I will update soon, I promise; I have some posts that have been sitting in draft mode for months. Until then, I just wanted to say: see District 9. It is the business.

This may be old news to many as it has been out a while in the States, but here in Scotland it has only been out for 4 days. So don't judge me.


  1. Snuck into this with my pops after we watched Inglorious Basterds. Both are totally excellent in different ways, but I think I'm okay with not seeing people blow up in a movie (or real life, for that matter) for a while.

  2. DZ......I watched it in Edinburgh. Damn myself for not making you and Lindsey meet us there to watch it together the second day it was in the UK!!

    We both highly enjoyed and were biting our nails from the intensity until biting our nails even became scary (you know what I mean).....very very good spend of a rainy Scotland late afternoon. We'd just barely come from Arthur's Seat. The idea to watch the movie came to us in the wind from the top. Perhaps it blew to us from your general direction. If so, cheers.

  3. okay, so i think (i'm pretty damn sure) this is my friend darren's blog, who is the most intelligently funny person i've ever met. i don't have a creative/weird name, it's just katie riding gibbs. where are you...SCOTLAND?!?! what the?!?! that is neat. i am in vegas, the land of hellish heat. please come visit me...www.skgibbsfamily.blogspot.com (i know, terribly un-creative) and fill me in. would love to hear from you.

    also, you're entry on beards made me tear up. if you can remember, my father has been an elegant member of the beard club for all of my life. he's the best man i know. would love to see yours.

    hope you and your sweet wife are well and happy.

    all my love

  4. We finally saw this, and loved it. It wasn't at all what I thought it would be - what with the social commentary with a sci fi twist. But so good.

  5. Hey! you should look this website, you'll probably like it ( i hope )


    it's a community film stills website, you can register and post you film still.

    hope to see you on ffffilm.com !


  6. Don't you have ANYTHING else to say....or share....or announce.....or anything?
