Wars and Windmills

02 April 2009

And I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside

Note the light saber zipper, (how else should one expect to get inside?)

Note the intestines for the lining.

Sadly this was an April Fools joke from the brilliant minds at Think Geek. If it had been real, I would have ordered one for my nephew (and by nephew I secretly mean me).


  1. this would add an entire dimension on the covered wagon/dutch oven trick.

  2. These deserve mass production. If Think Geek doesn't pull through and make it real, I say you take over the enterprise after grad school.

  3. taun-taun tantalizing!

  4. ThinkGeek has put this up on their site for several years now and I still tried to buy one, hoping that this iteration would finally yield a functional carcasscoon.


  5. Did I not comment on this? My mind was blown when I saw this. I want to have one for guests. (for myself of course, too) But I just want to see the look on people's faces when I pull this out for them to sleep on.
