Wars and Windmills

08 October 2008

Good and Even Better

Even better.
from here


  1. Tee hee hee!!! This. This makes my day. And my vote. Mark Hamill would have been an awesome, albeit whiny, leader of our country. We could finally establish a diplomatic relationship with all those sandpeople.....

  2. Ha ha ha! I love it!

  3. Haha hahahahahaha hahah ahahaha hahahahahah. Awesome - I love it.....indeed revel in it.

  4. That is pretty awesome, the second one not the first.

  5. This got a good chuckle out of me. I agree with gillz that Mark Hamill would have been a whiny president. But any friend of Yoda is a friend of mine.

  6. he may be whinny at the start, but think ladies of what he becomes....the most powerful jedi ever. so, he's not hurting in the awesome category. I think that is what we need in a strong president: an above average midi-chlorian count and awesomeness.

  7. put Chewy's face on there and I am onboard.

  8. Obviously Chewie for vice

  9. and ps--i am surprised that i have yet to see one post concerning bacon.

  10. I am more surprised that I have none to tell, Joe. I have had bacon since being here, but I can't find anything like what we experienced at the easton.

    We are going to London in a month and I am going to try and book us at that very same hotel. Though from what you've told me, and if i remember correctly, the hotel you stayed at and took the famous bacon pic wasn't the easton. I think it must be a London thing.

  11. I'd like to retitle this post: "Great and Ghey"

    That is just how I feel.

  12. you're right. we stayed at the Enrico. it is right there on warwick way, it is cheap, infinitely more clean than the easton, and the bacon is as good.

    plus, the owner did all my laundry for me for something like 2 pounds (and I had to insist on paying).

    but, still, jealous.
