Wars and Windmills

04 March 2008

Watch This Movie

I should have seen this movie last year when I first heard of it. If I had I would have known longer that it is a gem. I won't spoil anything by writing too much but even though the battle ground is an antiquated video game (which sold me instantly) and the gain is a mere world title it is well worth your hour and a half; video game lover or not.

Another docu-gem that I watched recently is Word Wars. The movie follows a few Scrabble folk as they compete for money (the only money most of them make in a year) and a national championship. Mostly watch it because you get to meet G.I. Joel (G.I. for gastrointestinal) the word genius dogged by acid-reflux.

You can't write this stuff.


  1. King of Kong is genius...thanks for the heads-up on the other.

  2. Word Wars sounds awesome. I'm gearing up for the Crossword Tournament that will be held in Brooklyn this year. This is the first year they're going to open it up to spectators. This movie will help put me in the mood.

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    King of Kong generated one of the decade's most vile villans. Billy Mitchell. I wanted to smash his face in with a fist full of quarters. There will be blood.

  4. I hope billy mitchell chokes on his own hot sauce.

  5. Yes Mark and Scott, Billy Mitchell is the most dastardly bastard of all the dastardly bastard movies to come out last year.

    Val, you should watch Word Play a documentary about crossword puzzles. It's quite good as well.

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I've heard tell of Billy Mitchell. The Onion did an interview with him recently and people in my journalism class were talking about it. I must see this Billy you speak of.

  7. I'll add it to the que!
