Wars and Windmills

20 September 2010

The Once and Future King

With a score of 1,064,500 points, Steve Weibe is again the Donkey Kong world champion.

According to the press release:
Wiebe last held the Donkey Kong record in spring of 2007, only to be bested by his movie rival Billy Mitchell months later. Mitchell’s score fell to New York’s Hank Chien in March of this year, but the Florida hot sauce distributor regained the title on July 31 with a score of 1,062,800 points.
Wiebe, who has attempted regaining the record at numerous live events over the years, recorded his championship game on August 30 for submission to Twin Galaxies, who verified and announced the score on Monday, September 20 as the new World Record.

A grand day.  If you have not a clue as to why this blithesome news is landing on happy ears, watch King of Kong and stew in the pure evil that is Billy Mitchell.


  1. Huzzah. A happy day indeed. I heart Steve Wiebe.
    Thanks for sharing this glorious news.

  2. I'm really glad to hear this. Although, in my heart, Steve has always been the champion.

    That Billy Mitchell just makes me so damn mad.

  3. Oh awesome and happy! I loved that movie - and no one deserves it more than Mr. Wiebe. Boo to Billy.

  4. For yeah!

    That's great news. Let's hope it stands up for a long time.
