My pop culture cup runneth over and my emotions have been sapped. This week I saw a fine epic come to a satisfying close and saw a film that wrenched at my core.
Indulge me as I attempt closure by opining about both.
My friend and fellow blogger Emily Gillilllilllland beat me to the review of Rescue Dawn and wrote it far more eloquently than I could. Still, the film struck a chord and I feel the need to toss two cents into the ring. Before anything else can be said, the name Steve Zahn will never again be associated with paltry rolls or a mere comic actor with one character played time and time again. Just looking at him in this movie draws and quarters your emotions in a way that would have made the Inquisition proud. It was his eyes, as Emily points out. The pain depicted in those eyes, portrayed a loss to soul and psyche that words or delineation wouldn’t have done justice; it was all Zahn. That isn’t something an average actor could have mustered. His performance is why awards ceremonies were made.
Christian Bale, not one to be out-acted, masterfully portrays Dieter Dengler with a spot on confident and proud immigrant American. There is a scene when Deiter recalls his first childhood sighting of a bomber plane during WWII in Germany. While telling the tale Bale grins and instantly channels Jim, the boy that he played 20 years ago in Empire of the Sun, a great moment. His performance is also Oscar worthy. As is the performance of the eerie whispers of Jeremy Davies playing Gene hoping for peace talks to bring him freedom. Let us just hope that Oscar’s memory is as long as the ceremony itself. Even if these actors weren’t in the movie, that it is directed and written by Werner Herzog would have been reason enough to see it. He can strip a movie genera to its essence and I was more than pleased to see him turning his Teutonic eye to Vietnam War films.
It didn't help my emotional stamina finishing the Harry Potter series just a few days before watching Herzong's film.
A heartfelt thank you to J.K. Rowling. I was going to write more, but to avoid spoiling anything I will say only that I am happily a pig satisfied. I couldn't have asked for a better denouement.
Who What Where?, and other notes
6 years ago